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Ismael Bermúdez
Free Agent
Ismael Bermúdez
July 30, 2033 (24 y, 6 m, 7 d)
Born In:
San Juan, SAN, PUR
Puerto Rican
2056 Draft - Round: 13, Overall: 411, Team: Boston Patriots
Free Agent
ML Service Time:
OSA Rating History
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Ratings Changes
Weight decreased from 216 to 215
Weight increased from 215 to 216
Weight decreased from 216 to 215
Gap Potential decreased from 2 to 1
Power Potential decreased from 2 to 1
Eye increased from 2 to 3
Eye vs R increased from 2 to 3
Avoid Ks Potential decreased from 2 to 1
Infield Arm decreased from 10 to 9
Movement Potential decreased from 4 to 3
Movement decreased from 4 to 3
Movement vs R decreased from 4 to 3
Control vs L decreased from 5 to 4
Velocity increased from 89-91 mph to 90-92 mph
GB% decreased from 38% to 35%
Fastball Pot increased from 4 to 5
Fastball increased from 4 to 5
Changeup Pot decreased from 5 to 4
HRA Potential decreased from 3 to 2
HRA vs R decreased from 3 to 2
HRA vs L decreased from 2 to 1
HRA decreased from 2 to 1
Scouting Accuracy increased from Low to Average
Weight decreased from 217 to 216
Weight decreased from 218 to 217
Role changed from SP to CL
Weight decreased from 219 to 218
Weight decreased from 220 to 219
Weight increased from 219 to 220
Weight increased from 218 to 219
Weight increased from 217 to 218
Contact Potential decreased from 2 to 1
Gap decreased from 2 to 1
Gap vs R decreased from 2 to 1
Gap vs L decreased from 2 to 1
Power Potential increased from 1 to 2
Eye Potential decreased from 4 to 3
Eye decreased from 3 to 2
Eye vs R decreased from 3 to 2
Infield Error decreased from 3 to 2
Turn Double Play decreased from 5 to 4
Outfield Range decreased from 4 to 3
Outfield Arm decreased from 3 to 2
Stuff Potential decreased from 6 to 4
Stuff decreased from 5 to 4
Stuff vs R decreased from 5 to 4
Stuff vs L decreased from 5 to 4
Movement increased from 3 to 4
Control Potential decreased from 6 to 5
GB% increased from 37% to 38%
Stamina increased from 8 to 9
Fastball Pot decreased from 5 to 4
Fastball decreased from 5 to 4
Curveball Pot decreased from 6 to 5
Curveball decreased from 6 to 5
Slider Pot decreased from 6 to 5
Changeup Pot increased from 4 to 5
Changeup increased from 3 to 4
Weight decreased from 218 to 217
Stuff Potential increased from 5 to 6
Control vs L increased from 4 to 5
Velocity increased from 88-90 mph to 89-91 mph
Curveball increased from 5 to 6
Weight increased from 217 to 218
Weight decreased from 218 to 217
Weight increased from 217 to 218
Stuff vs L increased from 4 to 5
Movement decreased from 4 to 3
Slider Pot increased from 5 to 6
Changeup increased from 2 to 3
Weight decreased from 218 to 217
Weight decreased from 219 to 218
Weight increased from 218 to 219
Weight decreased from 219 to 218
Weight increased from 218 to 219
Eye increased from 2 to 3
Eye vs R increased from 2 to 3
Stuff increased from 4 to 5
Stuff vs R increased from 4 to 5
Movement Potential increased from 3 to 4
Movement increased from 2 to 4
Movement vs R increased from 2 to 4
Movement vs L increased from 2 to 3
Control Potential increased from 5 to 6
Control increased from 3 to 5
Control vs R increased from 3 to 5
Control vs L increased from 3 to 4
Fastball increased from 4 to 5
Curveball increased from 4 to 5
Slider increased from 4 to 5
Weight decreased from 219 to 218
Weight decreased from 220 to 219
Weight decreased from 221 to 220
Weight decreased from 222 to 221
Weight increased from 221 to 222
Weight decreased from 222 to 221
Gap increased from 1 to 2
Gap vs R increased from 1 to 2
Gap vs L increased from 1 to 2
Eye vs L increased from 2 to 3
Stuff increased from 3 to 4
Stuff vs R increased from 3 to 4
Stuff vs L increased from 3 to 4
Movement increased from 1 to 2
Movement vs R increased from 1 to 2
Movement vs L increased from 1 to 2
Control increased from 2 to 3
Control vs R increased from 2 to 3
Control vs L increased from 2 to 3
GB% decreased from 39% to 37%
Stamina increased from 7 to 8
Fastball Pot increased from 4 to 5
Slider increased from 3 to 4
Changeup Pot increased from 3 to 4
Changeup increased from 1 to 2
Weight decreased from 225 to 222